Upcoming presentations
(2017) Kang, Yoonjung and Jessamyn Schertz. 2017. “L2 Categories in Perceptual Adaptation and Implications for Loanword Phonology.” Poster Presentation at the Workshop on Loanword Phonology and Phonetics, Cologne, Germany, June.
(2017) Ryu, Na-Young, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. 2017. “Phonetic and Phonological Adaptation of Loanwords: Mandarin Falling Diphthongs in Heritage Korean in China.” Oral Presentation at the Workshop on Loanword Phonology and Phonetics, Cologne, Germany, June.
(2017) Ryu, Na-Young, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. 2017. “Phonetic and Phonological Adaptation of Loanwords: Mandarin Falling Diphthongs in Heritage Korean in China.” Oral Presentation at the Workshop on Loanword Phonology and Phonetics, Cologne, Germany, June.
Past presentations
(2017) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. 2017b. “Phonetic Cue Enhancement in Hyperarticulation of Korean Sibilants.” presented at the Abstraction, Diversity and Speech Dynamics, Munich, May.
(2017) Kang, Yoonjung, Jessamyn Schertz, and Sungwoo Han. “The Production-Perception Link in Tonogenetic Sound Change in Three Dialects of Korean.” Oral Presentation presented at the 4th Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh, April.
(2017) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. “Dialectal Variation and Change in Production and Perception of the Korean Fricative Contrast.” Poster Presentation presented at the 4th Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh, April.
(2017) Kang, Yoonjung. Paradigm Uniformity and Inductive Learning in Heritage Korean. Department of Linguistics Colloquium, New York University. March 31, 2017.
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung and Jessamyn Schertz. The role of perceived L2 category in cross-language perception and implications for loanword adaptation. Annual Meeting on Phonology 2016, October 21-23, USC.
(2016) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. How much does the talker matter? Depends who's listening: Age-related variability in the use of social information in speech perception. LabPhon15, July 13-16, Cornell University.
(2016) Ryu, Na-Young, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. The adaptation of Mandarin falling diphthongs in Heritage Korean in China: The interaction of linguistic and sociolinguistic factors. LabPhon15, July 13-16, Cornell University.
(2016) Maddeaux, Ruth and Yoonjung Kang. The limits of inductive learning: The case of Modern Irish mutation. LabPhon15, July 13-16, Cornell University.
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung. Paradigm uniformity in Heritage Korean. CRC Summer Phonology/Phonetics Workshop.
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung. Dialectal variation in morphophonology of Korean. The 12th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. Central Connecticut State University, May 12-15, 2016. [Invited talk]
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Jessamyn Schertz, and Na-Young Ryu. A Competition of Local and Supralocal Norms in Two Chinese Korean Dialects: a Case Study of /y/. NWAV-AP4. April 22-24, Chiayi, Taiwan.
(2016) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han, Yu-Leng Lin, and Alexei Kochetov. Cross-language Interaction and Variation in Mandarin and Korean Affricates. NWAV-AP4. April 22-24, Chiayi, Taiwan.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung and Tae-Jin Yoon. A chain shift and the initial syllable prominence in Seoul Korean. NWAV 44, Toronto, October 22, 2015.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Jessamyn Schertz, and Sungwoo Han. Vowels of Korean dialects. Poster presentation at the 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. May 21, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(2015) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han, and Eunjong Kong. (Diachronic change in) perception of Korean sibilants._ Poster presentation at the 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. May 21, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(2015) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han. The role of acoustic evidence in resolving phonological ambiguity. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, May 30-June 1, 2015, University of Ottawa.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Yaruna Cooblal, Sneha George, Rachel Soo, Jestine Abella. The effect of lexical stress on the phonetic realization of voicing contrast in Tagalog: Native and Heritage comparison. Poster presentation the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association May 30-June 1, 2015, University of Ottawa.
(2015) Schertz, Jessamyn and Yoonjung Kang. Cross-language perception tasks: the role of acoustics vs. experience. CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. June 8, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Jessamyn Schertz, and Sungwoo Han. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Poster presentation at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015. June, 29-30, 2015, Cambridge, UK.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung and Na-Young Ryu. Variation in Korean vowel harmony and the emergent locality effect. The joint meeting the ICKL (International Circle of Korean Linguistics) and the Harvard-ISOKL (International Symposium on Korean Linguistics). J uly
24-26, 2015, University of Chicago.
(2015) Jessamyn Schertz, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Dialectal variability in Place and Manner of Korean affricates. Oral presentation at the 18th ICPhS. August, 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
(2015) Yoon, Tae-Jin, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. A Corpus-based approach to dialectal variation in Korean vowels. Poster presentation at the 18th ICPhS. August, 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
(2015) Bang, Hye-Young, Morgan Sonderegger, Yoonjung Kang, Meghan Clayards, and Tae-Jin Yoon. The effect of word frequency on the timecourse of tonogenesis in Seoul Korean. Oral presentation at the 18th ICPhS. August, 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
(2015) Bang, Hye-Young, Morgan Sonderegger, Yoonjung Kang, and Meghan Clayards. A lexical and contextual path of tonogenesis: Evidence from Seoul Korean. MOLT, March 13-15, 2015, University of Toronto.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Na-Young Ryu, and Hyoung Seok Kwon. Dialectal variation in Korean verbal vowel harmony and the emergent locality effect. MOLT, March 13-15, 2015, University of Toronto.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Colloquium, Carleton University. February 6, 2015.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Colloquium, McGill University. November 14, 2014.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Dialectal variation in affricate place of articulation in Korean. Poster presentation at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. October 28, 2014, Indiana, Indiannapolis.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Andrea Hòa Phạm and Benjamin Storme. French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics and contrast in loanword adaptation. Oral presentation at MIT Phonology 2014. September 19-21, 2014, MIT, Cambridge MA.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Tae-Jin Yoon, and Sungwoo Han. Lexical diffusion of vowel length merger in Seoul Korean:
a corpus-based study. Oral presentation at LabPhon 14. July 25-27, 2014. Tokyo, Japan.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Andrea Hòa Phạm and Benjamin Storme. French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics and contrast. CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. June 19, 2014. U of T, Toronto.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Tae-Jin Yoon, and Sungwoo Han. Lexical diffusion of vowel length merger in Seoul Korean:
a corpus-based study. Oral prsentation at Manchester Phonology Meeting. May 29, 2014. Manchester, England.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung. Dialectal variation of Korean vowel harmony. Phonology/Phonetics Reading Group. April. U of T.
(2013) Kang, Yoonjung. A corpus-based study of positional variation in Seoul Korean vowels. Japanese Korean Linguistics Conference 23. [Invited talk], October 11-13, 2013
(2013) Kang, Yoonjung. A progress report on the vowel analysis of the Reading Style Speech Corpus of Seoul Korean. (서울말 낭독체 발화 말뭉치의 모음자료 연구 경과 보고) [In Korean]. Workshop on dialects of Korean. The National Institute of the Korean Language. August 8, 2013.
(2013) Kang, Yoonjung. Tonogenetic sound change in Korean stops and distinctive feature. The Cognitive Science of Language lecture series. McMaster University. February 27, 2013.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung. Nonlocal consequences of local sound change: a loanword connection. Workshop on loanwords as evidence in formal linguistics: 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Stockholm, Sweden, August 29 - September 1, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Dialectal variation in sibilant place of articulation in Korean.The CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, July 26, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung and Sungwoo Han. Dialectal variation in Korean stops [In Korean]. Joint meeting of the Society of Korean Linguistics and the Society of Korean Dialectology. Jeju, Korea, June 19-20, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung and Naomi Nagy. VOT merger in Homeland Seoul Korean and Heritage Toronto Korean. The 2012 Annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Wilfrid Laurier University, May 26-28, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung. Korean tonogenesis, /s/, and the Contrastivist Hypothesis. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop. March 12-14, 2012. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
(2012) Yoon, Tae-jin and Yoonjung Kang. Acoustic Characteristics of Sentence-final ‘ta’ in Korean. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop. March 12-14, 2012. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Cross-language perception under sound change in progress: loanword connection. The 86th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. January 5-8, 2012. Portland, OR.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Cross-language perception and loanword adaptation under sound change in progress. 50 years of linguistics at MIT: a scientific reunion. December 9-11, 2011. MIT, Cambridge, MA.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung. Cross-language perception under sound change in progress: loanword connection. The Linguistics Speaker Series. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. December 1, 2011.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung and Sungwoo Han. The emergence of tonal contrast in Contemporary Seoul Korean: a longitudinal case study. Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics. August 6-7, 2011. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung. Sound change and variation in Contemporary Korean: loanword connection. Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. May 24, 2011.
(2011) Yoon, Tae-jin. and Yoonjung Kang. “Unicode-Based Phonetic Dictionary Construction for Korean Speech Recognition System.” Poster presented at Workshop: New Tools and Methods for Very-Large-Scale Phonetics Research, University of Pennsylvania, January 28-31. [Presented by Tae-Jin Yoon]
(2010) Kang, Y. “The Diachrony of English Loanwords in Korean.” Plenary talk at 2010 Spring Conference on General and Applied Linguistics organized by the Modern Linguistic Society of Korea and The Joongwon Linguistic Society of Korea, June 5, 2010. Cheongju, Korea.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Alexei Kochetov. “Place of Articulation and Lingual Coarticulation of Korean Coronal Obstruents: An Electropalatogrphic Study”. Poster presentation. LabPhon 12, July 8-10, 2010. University of New Mexico.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Seungjoon Park. “Variation of consonant-final nouns in Heritage Korean in Toronto: Default preference or statistical knowledge”. 2010 Canadian Linguistic Association Meeting, May 29-31, 2010. Concordia University.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Seungjoon Park. “Variation of consonant-final nouns in Heritage Korean in Toronto: Default preference or statistical knowledge”. 18th Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 20-22, 2010. University of Manchester.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Alexei Kochetov. “An EPG Study of Korean Coronal Obstruents”. MOT Phonology Workshop, March 12-14, 2010. Carleton University.
(2009) Nagy, Naomi, James Walker.,Alexei Kochetov. and Yoonjung Kang. “Heritage Language change and variation in Toronto: A New Project.”Poster presented atNWAV 38, Oct. 22-5, 2009, University of Ottawa.
(2009) Kang, Yoonjung. “A diachronic study of yod-dropping in Korean: a loanword connection.” Torontø-Tromsø Phonoløgy Workshøp, University of Toronto, Oct. 9-11, 2009.
(2009) Kochetov, A. Colantoni, L. Kang, Y. and Radišić, M. “A preliminary electropalatographicinvestigation of affricate contrasts in four languages.” CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, August 6, 2009.
(2009) Kang, Y. Kochetov, A., and Go, D. “The acoustics of Korean fricatives.” CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, August 6, 2009.
(2009) Nagy, N., Walker, J., Kochetov, A. and Kang, Y. “Heritage Languages in Toronto: A New Project.”Heritage Language Workshop, May 7, 2009, University of Toronto.
(2009) Kang, Y. and Park, S. “The alternation of consonant-final nouns in heritage Korean in GTA.” May 2009, Department of Linguistics, Univeristy of Toronto, Workshop on Heritage Language.
(2009) Kang, Y. “English loanwords in Korean: From ppada to sweparazzi.” January 2009, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, FLAUT Lecture.
(2008) Kang, Y. “The role of L1 phonemes in interlanguage segmental mapping: a case of English /s/ in Korean” Plenary talk, June 2008, Cornell University & SUNY Binghamton, The 16th Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics.
(2008) Kang, Y. “English /z/ in 1930s Korean” November 2008, The 2nd International Conference on East Asian Linguistics.
(2008) Kang, Y. “The adaptation of English /s/ in Korean.” August 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, The CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop.
(2008) Kang, Y. and Hong, S. “The adaptation of English voiceless affricate in 1930s Korean.” October 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, The 3rd Toronto Workshop on East Asian Linguistics.
(2008) Albright, A. and Kang, Y. “Predicting innovative alternations in Korean verb paradigms” July 2008, Korean University, The 18th International Congress of Linguistics.
(2008) Kang, Y. “English voiced stops in Korean in the 1930s.” March 2008, McGill University, Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
(2007) Kang, Y. “Frequency effects and regularization in Korean noun variations.” Invited panel talk, July 2007, Stanford University, Workshop on variation, gradience, and frequency in phonology.
(2007) Kang, Y. “Tensification of English and Japanese voiced stops in loanwords in Korean.” August 2007, Harvard University, Harvard Biennial Symposium on Korean Linguistics.
(2007) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: a study of English loanwords transmitted to Korean via Japanese.” June 2007, Hanyang University, Korea, Annual Conference of the Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea.
(2007) Kenstowicz, M., Kang, Y., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: Korean loanwords from Japanese and English.” May 2007, Manchester, UK, The 15th Manchester Phonology Meeting.
(2007) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: a study of English loanwords transmitted to Korean via Japanese.” April 2007, University of Toronto, Wokrshop on East Asian Linguistics II.
(2007) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: a study of English loanwords transmitted to Korean via Japanese.” March 2007, University of Ottawa, Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
(2006) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Adaptation of Japanese stop voicing contrast in Korean.” May 2006, University of Cheju, Korea, Annual Conference of the Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea.
(2006) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Adaptation of Japanese stop voicing contrast in Korean.” April 2006, University of Toronto, Wokrshop on East Asian Linguistics.
(2006) Kang, Y. “Noun-Verb Asymmetry in Korean.” March 2006, University of Toronto, Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
(2005) Kang, Y. “The emergence of the Unmarked in an analogical change.” Seoul Linguistics Forum, Seoul, Korea.
(2005) Kang, Y. “Neutralizations and variations in Korean verbal paradigms.” The 11th Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics, Cambridge, MA.
(2004) Kang, Y. “The emergence of markedness in an analogical change.” Guest lecture series, Department of Linguistics, U of T.
(2003) Kang, Y. “Frequency of use and t-to-s alternation in Korean.” Paper presented at the 77th LSA. Atlanta.
(2003) Kang, Y. “The emergence of phonetic naturalness in an analogical change: evidence from Korean nouns.” LANYU Forum, NY
(2002) Kang, Y. “Frequency of use and analogical change in Korean nouns: A case against abstract representation” Poster presented at NELS 33, MIT
(2002) Kang, Y. “Sound changes affecting noun-final coronal obstruents in Korean” Paper presented at 12th Japanse/Korean Linguistics Conference, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
(2002) Kang, Y. “Phonetic knowledge in loanword adaptation: adaptation of English word-final stops to Korean” Paper presented at the 76th LSA, San Francisco.
(2001) Kang, Y. “Role of phonetic knowledge in loanword adaptation: Adaptation of English post-vocalic word-final stops to Korean” Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University
(2001) Kang, Y. “Adaptation of English post-vocalic word-final stops to Korean loanwords” Poster presented at NELS 32, NYU/CUNY
(1999) Kang, Y. “The Phonetic Basis of Coronal Phonotactics” Paper presented at West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 18, University of Arizona
(1999) Kang, Y. “Reversal of Markedness in Consonantal Place of Articulation.” Paper presented at LSA, Los Angeles
(1998) Kang, Y. “Caseless floated numeral in Korean as Pluractional adverbial.” Paper presented at Northwest Linguistic Conference 14, Simon Fraser University.
(1998) Kang, Y. “Reversal of Markedness in Consonantal Place of Articulation.” Poster presented at NELS 29, University of Delaware
(1997) Kang, Y. “Tone in Sukuma.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference on African Linguistics 28, Cornell University.
(1996) Kang, Y. “Phrasal Phonology of Seoul Korean.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Prosodic and Phrasal Phonology at the Research Institute of Language and Speech, Utrecht University.
(2017) Kang, Yoonjung, Jessamyn Schertz, and Sungwoo Han. “The Production-Perception Link in Tonogenetic Sound Change in Three Dialects of Korean.” Oral Presentation presented at the 4th Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh, April.
(2017) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. “Dialectal Variation and Change in Production and Perception of the Korean Fricative Contrast.” Poster Presentation presented at the 4th Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh, April.
(2017) Kang, Yoonjung. Paradigm Uniformity and Inductive Learning in Heritage Korean. Department of Linguistics Colloquium, New York University. March 31, 2017.
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung and Jessamyn Schertz. The role of perceived L2 category in cross-language perception and implications for loanword adaptation. Annual Meeting on Phonology 2016, October 21-23, USC.
(2016) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. How much does the talker matter? Depends who's listening: Age-related variability in the use of social information in speech perception. LabPhon15, July 13-16, Cornell University.
(2016) Ryu, Na-Young, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. The adaptation of Mandarin falling diphthongs in Heritage Korean in China: The interaction of linguistic and sociolinguistic factors. LabPhon15, July 13-16, Cornell University.
(2016) Maddeaux, Ruth and Yoonjung Kang. The limits of inductive learning: The case of Modern Irish mutation. LabPhon15, July 13-16, Cornell University.
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung. Paradigm uniformity in Heritage Korean. CRC Summer Phonology/Phonetics Workshop.
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung. Dialectal variation in morphophonology of Korean. The 12th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. Central Connecticut State University, May 12-15, 2016. [Invited talk]
(2016) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Jessamyn Schertz, and Na-Young Ryu. A Competition of Local and Supralocal Norms in Two Chinese Korean Dialects: a Case Study of /y/. NWAV-AP4. April 22-24, Chiayi, Taiwan.
(2016) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han, Yu-Leng Lin, and Alexei Kochetov. Cross-language Interaction and Variation in Mandarin and Korean Affricates. NWAV-AP4. April 22-24, Chiayi, Taiwan.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung and Tae-Jin Yoon. A chain shift and the initial syllable prominence in Seoul Korean. NWAV 44, Toronto, October 22, 2015.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Jessamyn Schertz, and Sungwoo Han. Vowels of Korean dialects. Poster presentation at the 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. May 21, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(2015) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han, and Eunjong Kong. (Diachronic change in) perception of Korean sibilants._ Poster presentation at the 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. May 21, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(2015) Schertz, Jessamyn, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han. The role of acoustic evidence in resolving phonological ambiguity. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, May 30-June 1, 2015, University of Ottawa.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Yaruna Cooblal, Sneha George, Rachel Soo, Jestine Abella. The effect of lexical stress on the phonetic realization of voicing contrast in Tagalog: Native and Heritage comparison. Poster presentation the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association May 30-June 1, 2015, University of Ottawa.
(2015) Schertz, Jessamyn and Yoonjung Kang. Cross-language perception tasks: the role of acoustics vs. experience. CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. June 8, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Jessamyn Schertz, and Sungwoo Han. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Poster presentation at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015. June, 29-30, 2015, Cambridge, UK.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung and Na-Young Ryu. Variation in Korean vowel harmony and the emergent locality effect. The joint meeting the ICKL (International Circle of Korean Linguistics) and the Harvard-ISOKL (International Symposium on Korean Linguistics). J uly
24-26, 2015, University of Chicago.
(2015) Jessamyn Schertz, Yoonjung Kang, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Dialectal variability in Place and Manner of Korean affricates. Oral presentation at the 18th ICPhS. August, 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
(2015) Yoon, Tae-Jin, Yoonjung Kang, and Sungwoo Han. A Corpus-based approach to dialectal variation in Korean vowels. Poster presentation at the 18th ICPhS. August, 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
(2015) Bang, Hye-Young, Morgan Sonderegger, Yoonjung Kang, Meghan Clayards, and Tae-Jin Yoon. The effect of word frequency on the timecourse of tonogenesis in Seoul Korean. Oral presentation at the 18th ICPhS. August, 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
(2015) Bang, Hye-Young, Morgan Sonderegger, Yoonjung Kang, and Meghan Clayards. A lexical and contextual path of tonogenesis: Evidence from Seoul Korean. MOLT, March 13-15, 2015, University of Toronto.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung, Na-Young Ryu, and Hyoung Seok Kwon. Dialectal variation in Korean verbal vowel harmony and the emergent locality effect. MOLT, March 13-15, 2015, University of Toronto.
(2015) Kang, Yoonjung. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Colloquium, Carleton University. February 6, 2015.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Colloquium, McGill University. November 14, 2014.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Dialectal variation in affricate place of articulation in Korean. Poster presentation at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. October 28, 2014, Indiana, Indiannapolis.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Andrea Hòa Phạm and Benjamin Storme. French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics and contrast in loanword adaptation. Oral presentation at MIT Phonology 2014. September 19-21, 2014, MIT, Cambridge MA.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Tae-Jin Yoon, and Sungwoo Han. Lexical diffusion of vowel length merger in Seoul Korean:
a corpus-based study. Oral presentation at LabPhon 14. July 25-27, 2014. Tokyo, Japan.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Andrea Hòa Phạm and Benjamin Storme. French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics and contrast. CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. June 19, 2014. U of T, Toronto.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung, Tae-Jin Yoon, and Sungwoo Han. Lexical diffusion of vowel length merger in Seoul Korean:
a corpus-based study. Oral prsentation at Manchester Phonology Meeting. May 29, 2014. Manchester, England.
(2014) Kang, Yoonjung. Dialectal variation of Korean vowel harmony. Phonology/Phonetics Reading Group. April. U of T.
(2013) Kang, Yoonjung. A corpus-based study of positional variation in Seoul Korean vowels. Japanese Korean Linguistics Conference 23. [Invited talk], October 11-13, 2013
(2013) Kang, Yoonjung. A progress report on the vowel analysis of the Reading Style Speech Corpus of Seoul Korean. (서울말 낭독체 발화 말뭉치의 모음자료 연구 경과 보고) [In Korean]. Workshop on dialects of Korean. The National Institute of the Korean Language. August 8, 2013.
(2013) Kang, Yoonjung. Tonogenetic sound change in Korean stops and distinctive feature. The Cognitive Science of Language lecture series. McMaster University. February 27, 2013.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung. Nonlocal consequences of local sound change: a loanword connection. Workshop on loanwords as evidence in formal linguistics: 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Stockholm, Sweden, August 29 - September 1, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Dialectal variation in sibilant place of articulation in Korean.The CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, July 26, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung and Sungwoo Han. Dialectal variation in Korean stops [In Korean]. Joint meeting of the Society of Korean Linguistics and the Society of Korean Dialectology. Jeju, Korea, June 19-20, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung and Naomi Nagy. VOT merger in Homeland Seoul Korean and Heritage Toronto Korean. The 2012 Annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Wilfrid Laurier University, May 26-28, 2012.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung. Korean tonogenesis, /s/, and the Contrastivist Hypothesis. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop. March 12-14, 2012. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
(2012) Yoon, Tae-jin and Yoonjung Kang. Acoustic Characteristics of Sentence-final ‘ta’ in Korean. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop. March 12-14, 2012. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
(2012) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Cross-language perception under sound change in progress: loanword connection. The 86th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. January 5-8, 2012. Portland, OR.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung, Sungwoo Han, Alexei Kochetov, and Eunjong Kong. Cross-language perception and loanword adaptation under sound change in progress. 50 years of linguistics at MIT: a scientific reunion. December 9-11, 2011. MIT, Cambridge, MA.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung. Cross-language perception under sound change in progress: loanword connection. The Linguistics Speaker Series. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. December 1, 2011.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung and Sungwoo Han. The emergence of tonal contrast in Contemporary Seoul Korean: a longitudinal case study. Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics. August 6-7, 2011. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
(2011) Kang, Yoonjung. Sound change and variation in Contemporary Korean: loanword connection. Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. May 24, 2011.
(2011) Yoon, Tae-jin. and Yoonjung Kang. “Unicode-Based Phonetic Dictionary Construction for Korean Speech Recognition System.” Poster presented at Workshop: New Tools and Methods for Very-Large-Scale Phonetics Research, University of Pennsylvania, January 28-31. [Presented by Tae-Jin Yoon]
(2010) Kang, Y. “The Diachrony of English Loanwords in Korean.” Plenary talk at 2010 Spring Conference on General and Applied Linguistics organized by the Modern Linguistic Society of Korea and The Joongwon Linguistic Society of Korea, June 5, 2010. Cheongju, Korea.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Alexei Kochetov. “Place of Articulation and Lingual Coarticulation of Korean Coronal Obstruents: An Electropalatogrphic Study”. Poster presentation. LabPhon 12, July 8-10, 2010. University of New Mexico.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Seungjoon Park. “Variation of consonant-final nouns in Heritage Korean in Toronto: Default preference or statistical knowledge”. 2010 Canadian Linguistic Association Meeting, May 29-31, 2010. Concordia University.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Seungjoon Park. “Variation of consonant-final nouns in Heritage Korean in Toronto: Default preference or statistical knowledge”. 18th Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 20-22, 2010. University of Manchester.
(2010) Kang, Yoonjung and Alexei Kochetov. “An EPG Study of Korean Coronal Obstruents”. MOT Phonology Workshop, March 12-14, 2010. Carleton University.
(2009) Nagy, Naomi, James Walker.,Alexei Kochetov. and Yoonjung Kang. “Heritage Language change and variation in Toronto: A New Project.”Poster presented atNWAV 38, Oct. 22-5, 2009, University of Ottawa.
(2009) Kang, Yoonjung. “A diachronic study of yod-dropping in Korean: a loanword connection.” Torontø-Tromsø Phonoløgy Workshøp, University of Toronto, Oct. 9-11, 2009.
(2009) Kochetov, A. Colantoni, L. Kang, Y. and Radišić, M. “A preliminary electropalatographicinvestigation of affricate contrasts in four languages.” CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, August 6, 2009.
(2009) Kang, Y. Kochetov, A., and Go, D. “The acoustics of Korean fricatives.” CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, August 6, 2009.
(2009) Nagy, N., Walker, J., Kochetov, A. and Kang, Y. “Heritage Languages in Toronto: A New Project.”Heritage Language Workshop, May 7, 2009, University of Toronto.
(2009) Kang, Y. and Park, S. “The alternation of consonant-final nouns in heritage Korean in GTA.” May 2009, Department of Linguistics, Univeristy of Toronto, Workshop on Heritage Language.
(2009) Kang, Y. “English loanwords in Korean: From ppada to sweparazzi.” January 2009, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, FLAUT Lecture.
(2008) Kang, Y. “The role of L1 phonemes in interlanguage segmental mapping: a case of English /s/ in Korean” Plenary talk, June 2008, Cornell University & SUNY Binghamton, The 16th Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics.
(2008) Kang, Y. “English /z/ in 1930s Korean” November 2008, The 2nd International Conference on East Asian Linguistics.
(2008) Kang, Y. “The adaptation of English /s/ in Korean.” August 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, The CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop.
(2008) Kang, Y. and Hong, S. “The adaptation of English voiceless affricate in 1930s Korean.” October 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, The 3rd Toronto Workshop on East Asian Linguistics.
(2008) Albright, A. and Kang, Y. “Predicting innovative alternations in Korean verb paradigms” July 2008, Korean University, The 18th International Congress of Linguistics.
(2008) Kang, Y. “English voiced stops in Korean in the 1930s.” March 2008, McGill University, Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
(2007) Kang, Y. “Frequency effects and regularization in Korean noun variations.” Invited panel talk, July 2007, Stanford University, Workshop on variation, gradience, and frequency in phonology.
(2007) Kang, Y. “Tensification of English and Japanese voiced stops in loanwords in Korean.” August 2007, Harvard University, Harvard Biennial Symposium on Korean Linguistics.
(2007) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: a study of English loanwords transmitted to Korean via Japanese.” June 2007, Hanyang University, Korea, Annual Conference of the Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea.
(2007) Kenstowicz, M., Kang, Y., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: Korean loanwords from Japanese and English.” May 2007, Manchester, UK, The 15th Manchester Phonology Meeting.
(2007) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: a study of English loanwords transmitted to Korean via Japanese.” April 2007, University of Toronto, Wokrshop on East Asian Linguistics II.
(2007) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Hybrid loans: a study of English loanwords transmitted to Korean via Japanese.” March 2007, University of Ottawa, Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
(2006) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Adaptation of Japanese stop voicing contrast in Korean.” May 2006, University of Cheju, Korea, Annual Conference of the Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea.
(2006) Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., and Ito, C. “Adaptation of Japanese stop voicing contrast in Korean.” April 2006, University of Toronto, Wokrshop on East Asian Linguistics.
(2006) Kang, Y. “Noun-Verb Asymmetry in Korean.” March 2006, University of Toronto, Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
(2005) Kang, Y. “The emergence of the Unmarked in an analogical change.” Seoul Linguistics Forum, Seoul, Korea.
(2005) Kang, Y. “Neutralizations and variations in Korean verbal paradigms.” The 11th Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics, Cambridge, MA.
(2004) Kang, Y. “The emergence of markedness in an analogical change.” Guest lecture series, Department of Linguistics, U of T.
(2003) Kang, Y. “Frequency of use and t-to-s alternation in Korean.” Paper presented at the 77th LSA. Atlanta.
(2003) Kang, Y. “The emergence of phonetic naturalness in an analogical change: evidence from Korean nouns.” LANYU Forum, NY
(2002) Kang, Y. “Frequency of use and analogical change in Korean nouns: A case against abstract representation” Poster presented at NELS 33, MIT
(2002) Kang, Y. “Sound changes affecting noun-final coronal obstruents in Korean” Paper presented at 12th Japanse/Korean Linguistics Conference, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
(2002) Kang, Y. “Phonetic knowledge in loanword adaptation: adaptation of English word-final stops to Korean” Paper presented at the 76th LSA, San Francisco.
(2001) Kang, Y. “Role of phonetic knowledge in loanword adaptation: Adaptation of English post-vocalic word-final stops to Korean” Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University
(2001) Kang, Y. “Adaptation of English post-vocalic word-final stops to Korean loanwords” Poster presented at NELS 32, NYU/CUNY
(1999) Kang, Y. “The Phonetic Basis of Coronal Phonotactics” Paper presented at West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 18, University of Arizona
(1999) Kang, Y. “Reversal of Markedness in Consonantal Place of Articulation.” Paper presented at LSA, Los Angeles
(1998) Kang, Y. “Caseless floated numeral in Korean as Pluractional adverbial.” Paper presented at Northwest Linguistic Conference 14, Simon Fraser University.
(1998) Kang, Y. “Reversal of Markedness in Consonantal Place of Articulation.” Poster presented at NELS 29, University of Delaware
(1997) Kang, Y. “Tone in Sukuma.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference on African Linguistics 28, Cornell University.
(1996) Kang, Y. “Phrasal Phonology of Seoul Korean.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Prosodic and Phrasal Phonology at the Research Institute of Language and Speech, Utrecht University.